Garden Diary - May 2012

Tuesday, 29 May 2012
A Magical Moment in Monet's Garden at the New York Botanical Garden

Lately it seems that every other day or so I'm driving for 2 hours, more or - rarely - less to one garden destination or another. Today it's eastward to the New York Botanical Garden to teach a class on bulbs for the summer garden. Once the class is over and as long as I'm here, I decide to make another visit to the splendid exhibition on Monet's Garden.

A view through the doorway, a glimpse of the garden.

As floriferous as when I first saw it, two weeks ago at the media preview. It is clear
that they're keeping on top of it. The hot sunny weather means delphiniums are fading
and being replaced by other flowers. I chatted with Rob, making notes of what had to be
swapped out next so that every day's visitors would enjoy the perfection of the exhibition.

And on the bridge I see a young woman . . . her summer-y dress the color of the iconic bridge.

I turn and look back at the house, half expecting to see Monet with his easel, canvas, paint box in hand.

Surely he would have found this a moment to be captured, to be appreciated.

Even the poppies in the border and, harmoniously, the poppies on her dress.

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